Recipesfull introduces to you: Popular Recipes. (Bill's Divinity Recipe). My brother used to make this every year.
2 ½ cups white sugar
½ cup light corn syrup
¼ teaspoon salt
½ cup water
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a 2-quart saucepan combine sugar corn syrup salt and water. Cook to hard-ball stage (260 degrees F or 125 degrees C) stirring only until sugar dissolves.
Meanwhile beat egg whites to stiff peaks. Gradually pour syrup over egg whites beating at high speed on electric mixer. Add vanilla and beat until candy holds its shape about 4-5 minutes. Quickly drop from a teaspoon onto wax paper; cool.
Nutritional Information
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Creamy Peanut Butter Icing
Danish Pastry Apple Bars
Chocolate Tiffin
Deb's Passover Brownies
Lemon Cupcakes
Dutch Oven Apple Crisp
Rachel's Creamy Rice Pudding
Japanese Fruit Cake II
Candy Corn Frosting
Restaurant Style Egg Custard Pie
Sweet Potato Pecan Pie
Mountain Apple Cake
White Chocolate Lime Blondies
Sour Cream Mocha Cake
Autumn Apple Blender Cake
White Chocolate Cream Cake
Brookies (Brownie Cookies)
Coconut Cookies
Fantastic Funnel Cakes
Matrimonial Bliss
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